Raising the retirement age is a sensitive subject. But there are a few rules that clients are advised to follow to improve their financial prospects in retirement. The Sad Facts…
Year: 2020

Understanding the SECURE Act.
What is the SECURE Act and how could it affect your retirement? CKS Summit Group is here to help you learn about the changes to IRAs, 401(k)s, RMDs, and more.…

New Year's (Retirement) Resolutions.
You need to be prepared for everything. And with the current retirement crisis threatening millions this decade, it’s time to dedicate your resolutions to retirement planning. Did your New Year’s…

Why Choose CKS Summit Group in 2020?
What’s your 2020 vision? At CKS Summit Group, ours is to continue to bring you fresh new ideas for your retirement income while establishing a plan that meets your unique…