As the year comes to its final quarter, we start to think about taxes. Yes, tax season is almost upon us, and we want to make sure you are prepared to save yourself money.
Navigating the tax world can be complicated, and it is probably best to sit down with a tax specialist to assure you file correctly. But I’m the meantime, here are 10 tips to help you save on your taxes.
1. Look for tax breaks
There are many potential tax breaks that could work to your advantage. For example, if you have sold a residence recently, in which you have lived for at least two of the last five years, you may claim capital gains up to $500,000. Investing in local governments, such as municipal bonds, could also provide you with tax free interest.
2. Check for qualified investments
Some investments carry special tax advantages. Have you invested directly in oil or gas partnerships? That may qualify you for a deduction. Do you own stocks with qualified dividends? You could get a deduction if you’ve owned the stock for more than 60 days before the ex-dividend date.
3. Consider itemizing
If you are over the age of 65 and itemize your deductions, that is you list every possible item you could deduct within the allowed maximum, you will receive an additional deduction allowance above what you already are allowed.
4. Take the loss
Realizing losses is not ideal, and while we would rather not lose anything, those losses could equal tax breaks. Losses in stocks, bonds, and mutual funds can all be claimed on your taxes. So can losses in rental real estate and annuities.
5. Donate
If you are charitably inclined, you may be rewarded with lower taxes. Directly transferring from your IRA to a qualified charity could deduct the taxes you would pay on your IRA withdrawal.
6. Minimize withdrawals, if possible
Withdrawals from your 401(k) are taxed at an ordinary income rate. If at all possible, avoid taking out more than your RMD to lower your income taxes paid.
7. If buying new stocks, wait until after the dividend date
If you decide to buy new stocks or mutual funds outside of a qualified plan like your 401(k), do so after the dividend date. The value of stocks tend to fall by the amount if the dividend, which means you will be subject to loss and possibly have to pay taxes on the dividends.
8. Find out what tax credits you qualify for
There are numerous tax credits available. For example, you may qualify for the tax credit for the disabled or elderly.
9. Get organized
When preparing, it’s important to get yourself organized. Gather receipts, review your retirement account, all of it. You need to know if what parts of your accounts will be taxed, how much of your Social Security is liable to taxation, and if any of your purchases in the last year can be itemized.
10. Ask for help
While 80% of taxpayers receive some kind of refund! you want to make sure you get the most of your deductions. This can be difficult to do alone, so don’t be afraid to take a trip to a trusted tax consultant to make sure you are getting the maximum savings you possibly can.