Are you nearing retirement? Take control of your finances today and start to achieve your own wealth-life balance. Proper financial planning gives you the freedom to get more joy during…

The 2021 Retirement Bills You Should Know About
Retirement security is again on the congressional agenda. And for good reason. Here are two key legislations to know that are designed to make it easier for Americans to plan…

The Benefits of Charitable Giving
Retirement planning and charitable donations may not be the first pairing in mind when it comes to preparing for your golden years. However, asides from the feel-good factor, you can…

Retirement Planning & The Millionaire Mindset
Dreaming of retiring a millionaire? It isn’t as farfetched as it may seem. With a strategic planning, saving and investing, you can be well on your way to achieving (and…

Why are Women Taking Less Part in Couples’ Retirement Planning?
New research finds that women tend to leave crucial money moves up to their spouses or significant others, which sets them back financially. But couples can take several steps to…

Be Wary of Bad Retirement Advice
When it comes to financial planning and preparing for retirement, many people will chime in with suggestions and advice. However, that advice – well intentioned or not – could prove…