As the year comes to its final quarter, we start to think about taxes. Yes, tax season is almost upon us, and we want to make sure you are prepared…
Category: Blog

Could We Be in a Housing Bubble and Not Even Know It?
The speculation is beginning. Housing prices are soaring out of control in several regions. Home rentals are rising. Foreign investment is pouring in. Affordability gaps are shutting buyers out of…

My Medicare--What’s Best for ME?
Medicare open season is approaching and that means you are soon going to be able to enroll or change your coverage. Especially for those turning 65 this year, you need…

QLAC--Part of My Plan?
Recently, the IRS made a change to the rule book, and decided to allow QLACs to be a part of your IRAs. So what is a QLAC and what does…

Do You Understand RMD's?
What Are RMD’s? Required minimum distributions are money the government makes you take out of your IRA after you turn age 70 ½. (more…)

Estate Planning-Who Do You Want to Have Control?
When Pablo Picasso died in 1973, he left behind a massive fortune, five houses, numerous pieces of artwork–and no will. After a six year struggle, his family finally agreed to…