Social Security recipients will get 2.8% bigger checks in 2019. The program will also be adjusted in several other important ways next year that could affect the payments you receive…
Category: Business
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Year End Retirement Checklist
Before 2018 closes out, don’t forget these must-do’s… It’s that time of the year again when we not only start counting down toward 2019, but also begin crossing items off…

What You Need to Know About the GM Buyouts
Recently Detroit-based automaker GM offered buyouts to salaried employees in North America. If you’re one of 18,000 affected and stuck on what to do next, CKS Summit Group are here…

Retirement: Stop Worrying. Start Planning.
The hardest thing about saving for retirement is probably just getting started. (more…)

Why Americans are Refusing to Retire
The reluctancy to retire is a seemingly new trend among baby boomers. So why are they refusing to leave the workforce? An alarming number of baby boomers are refusing to…

4 Keys to Happiness in Retirement
What do you think of when you hear the word “happiness”? When it comes to a jubilant retirement, it takes more than just money. ‘hap·pi·ness ˈhapēnəs/ noun noun: happiness; plural…