In this White Paper from CKS Summit Group we take a look into government tax-incentivized Required Minimum Distributions (or RMDs). You’ll learn more about when to take the RMDs, how…
Category: Library

White Paper - Non-Stock Market Income Generating Alternatives
There are three basic categories of investments: conservative, moderate and aggressive. (more…)

White Paper - Are Your Allocations Right for Social Security?
Nothing exists in a vacuum, meaning that even if you’ve determined the best time and method of taking your Social Security benefits based on your age, objectives and lifelong earnings,…

White Paper - Understanding Social Security Benefits
Before you can retire, you should know what all of your sources of income are going to be, and how much you can expect to receive from each. Social Security…

White Paper - Are Your Allocations Right for RMDs?
Making sure your IRAs are allocated properly for required minimum distributions (RMDs) once you reach the age at which you must take them is as simple as following a bit…

White Paper - Understanding Required Minimum Distributions
The idea behind required minimum distributions, or RMDs, is that the government wants to give us a tax incentive to save for retirement – but they also want to make…