Did you make any resolutions concerning your personal finances last January? While many fell off their savings plan this year due to COVID-19, there is one move to make to…
Category: Strategic
With decades of top experience, our team can advise businesses of any scale!

The Retirement Planning Moves to Help Eliminate Taxes.
Despite paying taxes your whole working life, unfortunately it doesn’t stop when you hit retirement. However, there are moves you can make now to significantly reduce your tax bill in…

Navigating Retirement Plans Amid COVID-19
Planning for retirement can be a daunting prospect under normal circumstances. But with COVID-19 wreaking havoc on the stock market and causing IRA and 401(k) balances to crumble, it can be hard…

5 Ways You Could be Sabotaging Your Retirement.
Wanting a financially stable retirement and achieving it are two different things. You also need a clear, well-thought-out plan so you don’t accidentally sabotage yourself. Unfortunately, preparing for retirement has…

Evaluating Your Financial Fitness with CKS Summit Group.
Are you financially fit? They say money can’t buy happiness, but a financially healthy future can buy peace-of-mind. Most of us know it is smart to save money for those…

On Senior Citizen's Day, are You Preparing Your Financial Future?
Today (August 21st) is Senior Citizens Day. A day that provides an opportunity to show appreciation for the dedication, accomplishments, and services they give throughout their lives. But are you…