What do you think of when you hear the word “happiness”? When it comes to a jubilant retirement, it takes more than just money. ‘hap·pi·ness ˈhapēnəs/ noun noun: happiness; plural…
Tag: protect your retirement

Is Downsizing in Retirement Right for You?
Three out of four Americans say they would downsize their home to reduce ongoing costs and benefit from the equity, but it’s not always the answer to a happy retirement.…

How to Retire a Millionaire
In honor of ‘Be a Millionaire Day’ CKS Summit Group gives you 4 tips on what you can do to improve your chances of reaching seven figures by the time…

Check out Al Caicedo in Forbes: The Three Stages Of Baby Boomers
President and owner of CKS Summit Group, Al Caicedo writes an informative article for Forbes on ‘The Three Stages Of Baby Boomers‘. (more…)

The Ultimate Gift For Mother’s Day: A Safe and Secure Retirement
Mothers are so incredibly special and important, which is why we dedicate an entire day to celebrating them each year on Mother’s Day. This day is meant to reflect on…

Health Care Costs to Consider as You Prepare for Retirement
As people transition into retirement, one of the most difficult adjustments to make is the one from an employer provided insurance plan to Medicare. Many individuals in the workforce utilize…