Trying to successfully plan out your retirement income strategy alone can be extremely risky, but entrusting your future to a stranger can be equally daunting. In today′s world, the importance…
Tag: retirement concerns

Could This Blow Your Financial Retirement Plan?
Most people expect their spending to go down in retirement — in fact, the rule of thumb is typically that you’ll spend just 70% to 80% of your pre-retirement income.…

Social Security Program Costs Will Exceed Income This Year
The Social Security program’s costs are expected to exceed its income this year, marking the first time that has happened since 1982 and forcing the U.S. government to dip into…

How to Retire a Millionaire
In honor of ‘Be a Millionaire Day’ CKS Summit Group gives you 4 tips on what you can do to improve your chances of reaching seven figures by the time…

Check out Al Caicedo in Forbes: The Three Stages Of Baby Boomers
President and owner of CKS Summit Group, Al Caicedo writes an informative article for Forbes on ‘The Three Stages Of Baby Boomers‘. (more…)

4 Strategies for Retirees as Volatility Returns
Expected or unexpected, volatile stock markets are causing a great amount of anxiety among retirees. In fact, a recent American College survey (of retirement income professionals) showed that over 60%…