Financially speaking, women are headed in the right direction. But women often face special challenges when planning for retirement. As we enter Women’s History Month, it’s important to take a…
Tag: retirement planning for women

Women & Retirement Planning: Is it an Advantage to be Married?
Financial security in retirement depends on economic success during your working years–that seems intuitive. But did you know that married couples may have a better chance at a comfortable retirement…

#PlanLikeaWoman: Retirement Planning for Women on Women's History Month
As you may or may not know, March is Women’s History Month, and with that comes the need to ensure your advisor – male or female – is open to…

Why are Women Taking Less Part in Couples’ Retirement Planning?
New research finds that women tend to leave crucial money moves up to their spouses or significant others, which sets them back financially. But couples can take several steps to…

Did the Pandemic Widen the Gender Gap in Retirement Planning?
Hot off the back of International Women’s Day, equality rings loudly. Unfortunately a retirement-planning gap exists in addition to the known wage gap. Here’s what to do and the coronavirus…

Does Your Retirement Plan Protect Against the ‘Survivor Trap’?
Is your spouse at risk due to a lack of retirement planning? Here, CKS Summit Group explains how you can financially protect your loved one from falling victim to the…