As shared living with spouses or partners continues to fall, there are now more people under 35 living with their parents than in the late 1800s. Why is this historic…
Tag: retirement strategy

Retirement Planning Without Children
Millions of baby boomers who do not have children are retiring — and the trend is projected to continue. The AARP estimates that by 2040, more than 20% of retirees…

4 Ways to Increase Your Social Security Checks in Retirement
In 1935, Social Security was intended to provide a safety net for people who were unable to accumulate sufficient retirement savings. Today, this has turned into a social program that…

Is Downsizing in Retirement Right for You?
Three out of four Americans say they would downsize their home to reduce ongoing costs and benefit from the equity, but it’s not always the answer to a happy retirement.…

The Two Biggest Worries Retirees Face in 2018?
As we get older, one of the things that sometimes gets lost in the mix is how we’ve handled our money. Did we save enough for our golden years? Will…

Tax and Retirement Strategy for High Earners in 2018
If you want a more secure financial future and retirement, it may be time to consider using a Roth IRA. (more…)